Recent Posts

  • Ep. 31: It’s Only Teenage Wasteland #1

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss the myth of the Batman, The Who + The Hip, breaking the fourth wall, teenage tropes, friendship cliques, comic books as coloring books, […]

  • Ep. 30: Clockwork Angels #1

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss the Hero’s Journey, fun fandom call-outs, international comics, Paul Rudd sketches, specialty ties, dark-side Luke, Baby’s First Rush Tutorial, the rogue look, and, […]

  • Ep. 29: Azrael: Agent of the Bat #100

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss fake endings, alternate histories, continuing the alternate endings, continuing action figure collections, alternate stories, & alternate updated car chassis. “Everything’s great! …I shouldn’ta […]

  • Ep. 28: Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #3

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss Scrooge McDuck in the Marvel Universe, Arrow shirt jokes, and why Green Arrow isn’t, like, bigger or something. Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters […]

  • Special Episode: An Interview with Chuck Satterlee

    In this episode, Tim & Rob speak with writer Chuck Satterlee (Of Bitter Souls, Working Class Wizards, Agony Acres, Thirteen Steps) about his origins in the comic book world, meetings […]

  • Special Episode: Cancer Sucks (but free comics are cool)

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss Free Comic Book Day, the magic of Fantastic Planet, sharing stickers, buying for the cover, Flash villains, Siri interruptions, inspiration from Gord Downie […]

  • Ep. 27: Batman #567

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss epically-long story arcs, the Mark of Cain, upping your storage capacity, dropping in and getting immediately lost, M*A*S*H* reruns, Wilson Fisk and Punisher […]

  • Ep. 26: The Punisher (2018) #14

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss Baron Zemo dancing memes, combo Punisher 1:6’s, who did the comic-book-villain-turned-politician thing first, using obscure characters, the beauty of Stan’s Soapboxes, and how […]

  • Ep. 25: Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #1

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss obvious marketing crossovers, the coming dystopia, awkward acronyms, the worst trope in comic books, just what Hal Jordan is up to these days, […]

  • Ep. 24: The Books of Magic #2

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss version confusion, boy wizard comparisons, good bad taste, axe APBs, bubbling stews, possible Shakespeare references, & tasty crossover casseroles. The Books of Magic […]

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