Tag: Robin

  • Ep. 34: Superman: The Man of Steel #20

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss different versions of the Space Ghost, Star Trek crossovers, cover models, amateur poetry, Bibbo, obvious exposition, long-haired Lex pulling normal Lex things, “not-actually-Supergirl” […]

  • Ep. 20: Batman #500

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss 90s collectible comic schemes, zombie comic imprints, rapid physical transformations, faulty memories, family dynamics, Mortal Kombat, comic book logic, & tiny typographical errors. […]

  • Ep. 14: Batman #428: Robin Lives!

    In this episode, Tim & Rob discuss Universal Monsters in pinball and comics, supporting the arts, convenient comic-book logic, DC taking on contemporary social issues & global politics, delighting in […]

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